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 God and His Promises

The importance of God’s Word in the Christians life cannot be overstated. The Bible holds written documentation of who God is, what He will do, and what He wants for and from you. If you want to know God, you will find Him and His unfathomable love and faithfulness in His Word. John 1:1 states that God and His Word are one when He says “…and the Word was God.”  In Isaiah 55:10-11, God refers to His Word as rain that comes down and does not return, “so is my Word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to Me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” In Matthew 4:4, Jesus emphasized the importance of knowing the Word when He said to the devil in the wilderness: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” If you are enduring a crisis or know someone who is, whether it is financial, emotional or physical, God's Word specifically declares His ability and desire to provide for His children 


and deliver them from difficult circumstances. Spending time meditating on, speaking, and praying Bible verses that are relevant to your situation will inspire you to trust Him during any challenge you may face. For example, Promises for Health and Healing has over 38 bible verses with God’s promises for your health and healing. The bible verses become a life line of encouragement to guide you. Promise in my Pocket, God’s Word on the Go also includes promises when you need help in Times of Trouble, and for God’s Guidance and Direction. Regardless of the problem or trouble confronting you, you will find hope and comfort within the pages of God’s Word. Using Promise in my Pocket as a resource for meditation and study will strengthen you as you lean into God to provide. In moments of fear and doubt, you honor God as you look past your problem and into His promise.

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